Maybe it's because I don't work a Monday to Friday, Nine to Five... But seriously. TGIM Poor Monday. No one likes it. But here's how I see it... Monday's are mini fresh starts. It's your chance to set the tone for the week. So[...]
Maybe it's because I don't work a Monday to Friday, Nine to Five... But seriously. TGIM Poor Monday. No one likes it. But here's how I see it... Monday's are mini fresh starts. It's your chance to set the tone for the week. So[...]
For those of you who have subscribed to my newsletter (btw, THANK YOU!) I gave you all a breakdown of the staples I keep in my fridge and the things I make when I meal prep to just grab healthy things when I'm in a hurry. The main t[...]
Hi Everyone! I wanted to share with you this avocado lemon dressing from Blissful Basil. Check out her blog! Seriously. She has AMAZING vegan recipes. Most importantly, check out her recipe for SWEET POTATO LENT[...]
Okay, this is a drink recipe I've been playing around with for a little while. I love the idea of incorporating TEA into a cocktail. Partially because it keeps it light but mostly because it makes it sound "healthy" (wink) To make t[...]