Food Prep Essentials: Overnight Oats
Filling….easy… quick..
You know I’m ALL about food prep. Prep of any sort really. I’m always obnoxiously over prepared.
Okay, maybe not always. But with most things.
I want to start with saying something…for a snack that is so delicious, it’s nearly impossible to make it look cute. And I refuse to be another person posting meals in mason jars.
Okay, now, the beauty of overnight oats?
♥ You can make a huge batch and have them for meals on the go during the week.
♥ They taste like dessert!! WIN!
♥ If you’re like me and don’t love to follow a recipe, they’re the perfect thing to really play around with and make your own
♥ You can fill them with healthy fats and proteins and get a well balanced breakfast or snack in one bowl 🙂
SO many wins!
Here’s what I do to make this on-the-go snack:
2 cups oats
2.5 cups unsweetened almond milk
1 cup greek yogurt (vanilla for extra yumminess)
about 1/3 cup almond butter
2 tbsp chia seeds
2 bananas, mashed
2 cups chopped strawberries
MIX all ingredients in a large bowl. Stir really well to ensure the almond butter really gets mixed around and doesn’t clump. Divide into glass containers or jars (yes, mason jars do work perfectly 😉 ) Store in fridge over night and wha-la!
Garnish with your favourite toppings! I love some hemp seeds, bee pollen, and slivered almonds for added crunch. (And an extra drizzle of almond butter too)
Lily gets so excited about oats you’d think we were giving her ice cream. But hey, if she wants to think these are a treat, I’ll go ahead and let her think that.
Side tip: If you’re someone who needs to eat right after a work out, these are a great post sweat snack!
Happy Sunday everyone!