Mexi Salad Bowl
The main things I like to have prepped are veggies and grains I can just throw in a salad. That way I have no choice but to eat healthy! It’s already prepared. No excuses. And I like a hearty salad. I’m not really a lettuce and cucumber kind of girl.
I also love any excuse to eat avocado. I throw it on almost everything lately. (with LOTS of pepper)
It’s pretty simple, really. Here’s what I throw on top of my mixed greens:
Quinoa or Rice
Chicken Breast
1/2 avocado
A mix of corn and beans
I keep rice, quinoa and chicken cooked and in the fridge so it’s easy to grab! I throw it together on salads, put it in wraps, or just pick at it throughout the day.
I’m REALLY bad for just grabbing something quick when I’m out running errands. SO having stuff like this really helps. I know when I get home that I have a full meal ready to go with no cooking required. Whew!