New Year, Better you: The January Wellness Challenge

I’ve never been one for New Years resolutions…. Here’s how they usually go: You make a list of things you CAN’T have or CAN’T do anymore. You set your expectations too high for yourself…(and I mean, really… whenever you hear you can’t do something, how much more do you ache to do it? ) And before the end of the month you’ve crashed… probably by binge drinking over a pasta dinner and agreeing to “share” desert with your girl friends. And we all know this means you each order a different one and take bites of each…
SO for 2018, I’m choosing to focus on WELLNESS. Not what I can’t have, but what I can do or add to my life to make me my best self. I’m talking drinking more water, paying my bills before their due date, getting in touch with all those people I keep meaning to call, being more productive with my time… You know, all those things we keep saying we’re gonna do, but don’t.
Here’s how it works
First, subscribe to the Wellness Challenge e-mail. I will be sending you guys a weekly challenge followed by tips and tricks to stay on track, wellness expert advice, and some of my favourite blogger recipes. Join the Facebook group to communicate with other babes doing the challenge. Share your successes, ask questions, and give YOUR tips! Support each other! I also have some amazing women contributing their time and expertise so this group is where you’ll find bonus tips and Q&A’s.
And don’t forget to share your experience with us on Instagram!! Use #wellnessandwine and follow @detoxontherocks for bonus tips and recipes throughout the challenge!
Who’s Contributing?
So many amazing and supportive women are giving their time to this so I want to see a big thank you in advance! Here’s what to expect…
♥ Bring Your Own Kombucha is providing weekly tips! Erica is a new blogger who, despite Instagrams horrible new algorithm, has managed to create a loyal following that’s continuously growing. She gets real in sharing her wellness journey while putting her self out there and finding ways to collaborate with some bad ass women in the space. You’ve gotta follow her!
♥ Naturo Nikka, is a naturopathic doctor who I will be interviewing AND she’s doing a Q&A with you guys so start thinking about everything you want to ask her!
♥ Prosecco and Projects is sharing one of her delicious recipes with us! You guys, this is one of my fave new blogs. Go check her out on instagram and make sure to pin all those recipes
We have tons of giveaways (so make sure you’re documenting and sharing your journey to enter!), guest bloggers, and interviews.
I also want to say a huge thank you to Swanky Explorers for providing the first giveaway! Swanky Explorers is a subscription box that provides unique artisan goods from cities all over the world (how kick ass is this!?).
I look forward to having you all in this challenge!!