Stay full with this #FAB4Smoothie
We assume that because we’re loading our smoothies and juices with fruit that we’re having a healthy snack or meal replacement. Yes, your body will be getting nutrients from the variety of fruits. But did you know that fructose stores as fat up to 30% faster than glucose?
Also, you may feel great after that fruit filled smoothie, but shortly after your blood sugar spikes… it drops, making you feel tired and get hungry again faster.
I recently shared with you guys my favourite podcasts. One of them is The Skinny Confidential Him & Her podcast. They recently interviewed Kelly LeVeque from Be Well By Kelly. (She works with celebs like Chelsey Handler and Jessica Alba. )
If you download any podcast episode, I suggest it be this one! And grab a pen to take notes.
She’s all about the Fab 4 smoothie and suggests to keep it fruit-free or 1/4 cup of fruit max.
These are the fab 4 rules:
Then add liquid and superfoods of your choice
I’ve been having this almost every morning after my cup of lemon water or after the gym.
And I’ve been feeling so great! I’m full of energy and not getting any pesky cravings.
And holy eff. It tastes sooo good.
I’m addicted.
Here’s the Fab4Smoothie recipe you came for!
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
1 tsp maca
1 tbsp chia seeds
handful spinach
1 tbsp almond butter
1 cup almond milk
handful of ice
Throw everything in the blender. Blend until smooth. You know the drill.
Add extra chia seeds or hemp seeds too!
If you really feel like you need some added fruit, I would add half a banana with this one.
And remember! It’s not about keeping the smoothie fruit-free, it’s about consuming healthy proteins, fats, and fiber to keep you full and energized 🙂 #Fab4Smoothie