Anyone else feel like breakfast is always either one of these two things?: 1) Healthy and leaves you hungry within an hour 2) Full of carbs and possibly unhealthy fats to keep you full until lunch... mostly because[...]
Anyone else feel like breakfast is always either one of these two things?: 1) Healthy and leaves you hungry within an hour 2) Full of carbs and possibly unhealthy fats to keep you full until lunch... mostly because[...]
I know I know... enough with the Dad jokes. But what in the hell am I suppose to call a blog post about Baba Ganoush? Have you ever tried this stuff? It's freaking amazing. Although, I have to admit, I can't really[...]
Happy Wednesday! St. Patty's Day is this weekend and that calls for a new cocktail! I feel like everything should be celebrated with a new cocktail... St.Patty's Day... New Years Day... Tuesday... I had been wanting to sh[...]
Who else likes to do food prep for the week? It makes me feel SO prepared. I mostly prep to have lunches for work. I'm home in the evenings so I usually cook dinner (and save some to add to my food prep)..... buuuuuut sometimes I[...]