Well, That was a Rollercoaster…. 2017: A year in review
You know when something really horrible happens and people are like “well, at least it can’t get any worse than this” and then the universe is like “wanna bet?”
I feel like that was 2017.
I’m not one to categorize things by years, but I remember 2016 ending and everyone talking about how badly they wanted to leave it behind… “2017 is a time for big changes and new starts”…. well 2017 sure got us all keeping our mouths shut.
But maybe it got us all being thankful for what we have?
Something I keep hearing people say, which I LOVE, is “I sure learned a lot about myself this year”. I feel this to be so true for myself.
2017 was full of some of the biggest curve balls I’ve ever encountered. Some of the biggest life decisions I’ve ever made. Hands down the biggest changes. And most definitely, the most growth.
So here’s what went down….
The Move
Since before Lily was even born, we had been wanting to move away from the Yukon. We loved it there, but I, especially, just needed a change. A change of scenery, a chance to meet knew people, and just see what else was out there for myself. There didn’t seem to be a whole lot of growing room for me in my little home town.
Soooo we kept looking for work else where and blah blah blah. And eventually made a quick decision to sell everything we owned and moved to Nova Scotia this past summer. While we miss the Yukon terribly, we’re happy we did what we said we were going to do. Because if we hadn’t, we’d probably still be there just wanting something more or something else.
Career Change
I’ve been serving/bartending since I was 19. I love the industry (and miss it!) but it just wasn’t working for us anymore. I had been with the same business for 5 years. Loved the business and everyone there, but it just wasn’t a good fit for my family. I took the plunge and finally left for another job, still in the industry, but a setting and hours that were a little more family friendly. Again, loved the job, the business, and the people, but I could just tell it was time for me to move on to something new entirely.
The move to Nova Scotia brought me to an entirely new career path. I’m doing something I love and learning every day. What a change to feel challenged at a job and to feel myself growing! Turns out I know how to do a few things other than make a mean margarita…. (at least I hope!). I’m finally doing something I hope to just get better and better at…
Family Life
A big reason we were unhappy before the move was because of our lifestyle. Tyler worked shift work, I worked nights, and had to work around his schedule. It was stressful never knowing when we’d have an evening off together and it was hard on both of us working nights and waking up with a baby. We would get some family time during the days with Lily which was always great, but also always cut short because one of us would have to jet off.
Now, we get to eat breakfast together every morning and dinner every night. Tyler and I get to just chill after Lily goes to bed. And I actually get excited now for alone time on nights when he goes out with his friends!! (I’ll take some wine and RHOBH please!!) And we always know we have weekends together as a family <3
Detox on the Rocks
I had been wanting to start a blog for probably a couple years before I actually did it. One night, out of no where, over dinner, I snapped. I was like “I have to do this. I have no choice”. Tyler and I started discussing names for the blog… he came up with the “on the rocks” part. He went to play hockey after dinner and I was blowing up his phone all night. “what about this? what about that?” I knew if I didn’t come up with a name and buy the domain THAT night, I’d never do it. It took probably every nerve I had. Not to mention the learning curve…. photography? Writing? Building a website? Gah! But I love it and I LOVE all of you who have been following along. You are what inspires me to keep going AND also what direction to take my blog in.
So it will be interesting to see what’s to come! After all these big changes to be where I’m at… my vision for 2018 is productive routines, healthy habits, hustling, and learning. I can’t wait to look back at this time next year and see what progresses!